
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Childcare & Scholarships for Conference!

I am very excited to let you know about two things with the Single & Significant Conference.......

#1 We will be providing childcare during this event at a cost of $5 per child or a maximum cost of $15 per conference attendee. We know there are many single parents out there who may want to attend but do not have a sitter for their child(ren). All we ask is that you provide a sack lunch (if child has not eaten lunch prior to drop off) and we will provide a light snack, juice, and dinner for them. DEADLINE to enroll for childcare is March 31st and can be done when you purchase your ticket.

#2 We want everyone to have the chance to attend this singles conference, therefore, we have a limited number of scholoarships available for those who want to come but just do not have the means to pay for it at this time. When it is announced that tickets go on sale there will be details on how you can apply for a scholarship at that time.

God is so good!!


Friday, February 18, 2011

R.S.V.P. on Facebook!!

The Singles Ministry has its own Facebook page located HERE!! If you do the FB thing we would love for you to LIKE our page.

In addition to that there is an event page created on FB for the conference! You can find that page HERE!! On this page you can let us know if you are attending, not attending or may be attending.

These pages were created to allow us to keep everyone up-to-date! Have questions? Post them! We want to hear from YOU!

Have a blessed weekend everyone<><


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Upcoming Events - March-June

Here is a list of upcoming singles events through June 2011. Most of our events are kid-friendly but will specify when not. It is open to ALL single adults! You do not have to be a member of FBCM to attend these fellowship events. They are open to ALL.

March 18, 2011
Court Sport Night
6:00-10:00 p.m.
Main gymnasium/cafe

We will have the volleyball nets set up, basketball nets lowered and a ping-pong table as well. Don't want to play any sports? That's okay. There is always a group that sit in the cafe and chat or play games. We ask each person attending bring a snack to share with the group. Lemonade will be available and there are vending machines with other soft drinks. This is a very fun event!!!

April 9, 2011
Single & Significant Conference
Noon-6:00 p.m.
Youth Area on 2nd Floor

This afternoon has been set aside to minister to the hearts of all singles no matter male, female, widowed, divorced, or never been married. With sessions for single parents, men only, women only and one geared toward all singles who want to live their life with purpose NOW! Immediately following the break out sessions we will gather in the gymnasium for a rockin' ice cream social. And, for anyone wanting to get in a little b-ball action we will have the basketball nets available, too!

April 30, 2011
Agape Fest in Greenville, IL
TBA - all day event

Some have mentioned the possibility of a group attending this annual event in Greenville. More details will be posted as they unfold as to whether there is enough interest in the event.

May 13, 2011
Court Sport Night
6:00-10:00 p.m.
Main Gymnasium/Cafe

We will have the volleyball nets set up, basketball nets lowered and a ping-pong table as well. Don't want to play any sports? That's okay. There is always a group that sit in the cafe and chat or play games. We ask each person attending bring a snack to share with the group. Lemonade will be available and there are vending machines with other soft drinks. This is a very fun event!!!

June 11, 2011
Johnson's Shut Ins State Park Outing
TBA - possibly 9a.m.-10p.m.

Will depart from the church to drive to the Johnson's Shut-ins State Park for a day of soaking up the sun....a picnic/bbq lunch....swimming....hiking! More details will be posted as they become available.

For questions about any of these events please feel free to call or email me. If you email please type Singles Journey Event in your subject so I don't delete an unknown email :)

Helen Parker

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mission Care Package for Christine Robertson

Sheila Satterthwaite is collecting items now for a Missions Care Package. Christine Robertson is serving at the Mukinge Hill Academy in Kasempa, Zambia for the next several months. She is working with 3rd graders. Anything you would like to donate such as toiletries, hard candy, small toys, new/use Christian CD's, etc is appreciated.

For more information about how to donate please contact Sheila at 618-972-23141.

God bless,

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Single & Significant Conference 2011

On Saturday, April 9, 2011 from Noon until 6:00 p.m. you are invited to come out to First Baptist Church Maryville for an afternoon of growing in Christ as a single man or woman. We have speakers touching on several relevant topics to help meet the needs of singles today!

Our speakers include:

  • Pastor Tim Lawson - First Baptist Church Maryville - presenting the Men's Only session "The source of our significance, how we thrive while being single, and preparing for a significant future"

  • John Shaw & Penny Zimmerman - Bethel Baptist Church Troy, IL - presenting a tag-team session "If you are a single parent struggling with being that significant example to your child(ren) this is the session for you."

  • Paulette Darlington - Bethel Baptist Church Troy, IL - presenting the Women's Only session "Young or old, rich or poor, educated or uneducated we all suffer from INSECURITY.  We will take a look at the root of our insecurities and discover Biblical Principals that when applied to our lives can bring freedom from these hinderances.  Learn to celebrate your unique giftings and discover your God Given purpose without limitations!"

  • Melody Miller, Co-Host of “A Positive Start To Your Day” on Family Friendly WIBI –presenting a session for both men and women. "Ever feel like you’re stuck on the sidelines or as though you’ve been in a holding pattern for a long time waiting for the right one? Life doesn’t begin when you say “I Do” – learn how to live life with purpose and passion, NOW!"

The cost for this event is $10 per person and includes your choice of attending two of the above break-out sessions, attendance of the final group open panel forum session, and the ice cream social immediately following the final session!

This is gearing up to be a God-filled afternoon and if that isn't enough there will be ICE CREAM, too!!!

Keep checking back for more information on when & where you can purchase your tickets for this event! Space is limited so get ready to grab yourself a spot and prepare to hear God speak!

In Christ,
Helen Parker

Want to help get the word out?

If you have a printer, a blog, email, or facebook and would like to help us get the word out about the Single & Significant conference then please feel free to download either or both of the posters below. The web version is good for email, blogs, or FB. The printable version will print on an 8.5x11 paper.

If you grab one to share please accept our sincere "thank you" in advance!!

Web Version.....DOWNLOAD HERE

Printable Version....DOWNLOAD HERE